Monday, October 31, 2011

Foundation Systems
The GeoTechnical Engineer in action...
The foundation system for any structure  is the critical link in the transmission of its loading down to the ground (on surface or beneath surface). With the load bearing directly on the soil, the foundation system must:
  • Distribute vertical loads so the settlement of a building is either negligible or uniform under all parts of the building,
  • Relatively high stresses in the superstructure have to be safely transferred to the much softer and weaker soil,
  • Anchor the building’s superstructure to prevent uplifting due to wind and earthquake forces,
  • The best solution would be to place the supports of the structure on solid rock, but this is seldom possible,
  • In most cases solid rocks or bed rock lies deep inside the ground, with softer and weaker soil layers above it.
The most critical factor in determining the foundation system of a building is the classification and bearing capacity of the soil.
Loading and Settlements of Foundations:
  • Types of loads: Dead, live, inclination thrusts and uplift, water table, wind and earthquake forces.
  • Types of settlements: Uniform and differential (Differential settlement must be minimized, depends on the soil conditions at site and distribution of loads on columns which supporting the structure).
  • Requirements of safety: Structure-foundation system safe against settlements that would lead to collapse (Foundation settlement should not damage the structure and must be technically and economically feasible).
Types Of Foundation
1) Shallow Foundation System
Shallow Foundation, Spread Footing in construction...
Shallow foundations system normally located just below the lowest part of the structure, means that it is placed relatively close to the surface of the ground. The loads were transferred from the building to the soil by providing large enough area of the foundation in order to reduce pressure below the ones allowed by the strength of the soil. This will prevent an excessive settlement and bearing failure of the structure.
Types: Spread Foundation, and Mat / Raft Foundation
2) Deep Foundation System
Deep Foundation, Caisson Pile in construction...
In the case of deep foundations, the means of support is normally drilled shaft, group of piles or a pier. Major buildings in areas underlain with thick cohesive soil deposits to carry the loads vertically to more competent strata or bedrock primarily to control settlement or gradually transmit the load to the soil by friction and at a greater depth below the structure.
Types: Pile, Pile walls, Diaphragham wall, and Caissons pile
Advantages of Deep foundation:
  • Cost (at affordable price)
  • Construction Procedure (simple to follow)
  • Material (mostly using concrete)
  • Labor (doesn’t need any expertise)
Designing A Foundation:
  • Information on the Working Loads – get from Structural Engineers or Architects
  • Information on Sub-surface conditions – get from Site Investigation report
  • Established Design Criteria
  • Foundations must be designed to satisfy 3 general criteria:
  1. It must be located properly so as not to be adversely affected by outside influence,
  2. It must be safe from bearing capacity failure,
  3. It must be safe from excessive settlement.
Factors Affecting Foundation Choice
Primary Factors Affecting Foundation Choice:
  • Sub-surface soil
  • Ground water table conditions
  • Building structural requirements
Secondary Factors Affecting Foundation Choice:
  • Construction access, methods and site conditions
  • Environmental factors
  • Building Codes and Regulations
  • Impact on surrounding structures
  • Construction schedule
  • Construction risks
Depth and Location of Foundations
The depth and the location of foundations are dependent on as follows:
Significant Soil Volume Changes:
  • Some soils shrink and swell significantly upon drying and wetting respectively,
  • The specific depth & volume change relationship for a particular soil is dependent on the type of soil and level of groundwater,
  • Volume change is usually insignificant below a depth of 1.5 to 3.0 m and does not occur below the Ground Water Table (GWT),
  • In general, soil beneath the center of a structure is more protected from sun and precipitation, hence moisture content changes and resulting soil movement are relatively smaller.
Adjacent Structures and Property Lines:
  • Existing structures may be damaged by construction of new foundations nearby,
  • After new foundations have been constructed, the load that they place on the soil may cause settlement of existing structures,
  • Damage to existing structures by new construction may result in liability problems, thus new structures should be located and designed very carefully,
  • In general, the deeper of the new foundation and the closer to the older structure, the greater will be the potential for damage and movement,
  • A general rule is that a straight line drawn downward and outward at a 45o angle from the end of bottom of any higher footing should not intersect any existing footing,
  • As a footing is wider than the building it supports; therefore, part of the footing may extend across the property line and may encroach on adjacent land.
  • Presence of groundwater near a footing is undesirable because:
  • Footing construction below GWT is difficult and expensive,
  • Groundwater around a footing can reduce the strength of soils,
  • It may also cause hydrostatic uplift,
  • Frost action may increase,
  • Waterproofing problems.
Underground Defects:
  • This includes faults, caves and mines,
  • Human-made discontinuities such as sewer lines, underground cables and utilities must be considered,
  • Structures should never be built on or near tectonic faults (plate movements) that may slip,
  • Survey upon the underground utility lines should be made before any excavation in order to avoid damages to utilities during excavation.
Type of Soils and Characteristics:
  • Soils (particulate earth material): Boulder (too large to be lifted by hands), cobble (particle that can be lifted by a single hand), gravel aggregates (course grained particle larger than 6.4mm), sand (frictional, size varies from 6.4 to 0.06mm), silts (frictional, low surface-area to volume ratio, size varies from 0.06 mm to 0.002mm) and clays (cohesive – fine grained – high surface-area to volume ratio, size smaller than 0.002 mm)
  • Rocks: Broken into regular and irregular sizes by joints
  • Peat: Soils not suitable for foundations of any structure
Problems due to Settlement can Arise when:
  • Soil property changes at different points under the same structure,
  • When construction of the building proceeds fast (mostly in modern times cases),
  • When an additional heavy load (e.g. a tower in old times – Pisa) is added to stabilize it,
  • Ground water is pumped out; Notorious instances examples like Venice and Mexico-city tragedy.
The Conclusions
The decision of choosing the foundation type is selected in consultation with the geotechnical engineer. The factors to be considered are the soil strength, the soil type, the variability of the soil over the area and with increasing depth, and the susceptibility of the soil and the building to deflection. I personally consider foundation as the most critical part of any structure that requires very careful structuring before the next stage could be done…

Foundation Systems
The GeoTechnical Engineer in action...
The foundation system for any structure  is the critical link in the transmission of its loading down to the ground (on surface or beneath surface). With the load bearing directly on the soil, the foundation system must:
  • Distribute vertical loads so the settlement of a building is either negligible or uniform under all parts of the building,
  • Relatively high stresses in the superstructure have to be safely transferred to the much softer and weaker soil,
  • Anchor the building’s superstructure to prevent uplifting due to wind and earthquake forces,
  • The best solution would be to place the supports of the structure on solid rock, but this is seldom possible,
  • In most cases solid rocks or bed rock lies deep inside the ground, with softer and weaker soil layers above it.
The most critical factor in determining the foundation system of a building is the classification and bearing capacity of the soil.
Loading and Settlements of Foundations:
  • Types of loads: Dead, live, inclination thrusts and uplift, water table, wind and earthquake forces.
  • Types of settlements: Uniform and differential (Differential settlement must be minimized, depends on the soil conditions at site and distribution of loads on columns which supporting the structure).
  • Requirements of safety: Structure-foundation system safe against settlements that would lead to collapse (Foundation settlement should not damage the structure and must be technically and economically feasible).
Types Of Foundation
1) Shallow Foundation System
Shallow Foundation, Spread Footing in construction...
Shallow foundations system normally located just below the lowest part of the structure, means that it is placed relatively close to the surface of the ground. The loads were transferred from the building to the soil by providing large enough area of the foundation in order to reduce pressure below the ones allowed by the strength of the soil. This will prevent an excessive settlement and bearing failure of the structure.
Types: Spread Foundation, and Mat / Raft Foundation
2) Deep Foundation System
Deep Foundation, Caisson Pile in construction...
In the case of deep foundations, the means of support is normally drilled shaft, group of piles or a pier. Major buildings in areas underlain with thick cohesive soil deposits to carry the loads vertically to more competent strata or bedrock primarily to control settlement or gradually transmit the load to the soil by friction and at a greater depth below the structure.
Types: Pile, Pile walls, Diaphragham wall, and Caissons pile
Advantages of Deep foundation:
  • Cost (at affordable price)
  • Construction Procedure (simple to follow)
  • Material (mostly using concrete)
  • Labor (doesn’t need any expertise)
Designing A Foundation:
  • Information on the Working Loads – get from Structural Engineers or Architects
  • Information on Sub-surface conditions – get from Site Investigation report
  • Established Design Criteria
  • Foundations must be designed to satisfy 3 general criteria:
  1. It must be located properly so as not to be adversely affected by outside influence,
  2. It must be safe from bearing capacity failure,
  3. It must be safe from excessive settlement.
Factors Affecting Foundation Choice
Primary Factors Affecting Foundation Choice:
  • Sub-surface soil
  • Ground water table conditions
  • Building structural requirements
Secondary Factors Affecting Foundation Choice:
  • Construction access, methods and site conditions
  • Environmental factors
  • Building Codes and Regulations
  • Impact on surrounding structures
  • Construction schedule
  • Construction risks
Depth and Location of Foundations
The depth and the location of foundations are dependent on as follows:
Significant Soil Volume Changes:
  • Some soils shrink and swell significantly upon drying and wetting respectively,
  • The specific depth & volume change relationship for a particular soil is dependent on the type of soil and level of groundwater,
  • Volume change is usually insignificant below a depth of 1.5 to 3.0 m and does not occur below the Ground Water Table (GWT),
  • In general, soil beneath the center of a structure is more protected from sun and precipitation, hence moisture content changes and resulting soil movement are relatively smaller.
Adjacent Structures and Property Lines:
  • Existing structures may be damaged by construction of new foundations nearby,
  • After new foundations have been constructed, the load that they place on the soil may cause settlement of existing structures,
  • Damage to existing structures by new construction may result in liability problems, thus new structures should be located and designed very carefully,
  • In general, the deeper of the new foundation and the closer to the older structure, the greater will be the potential for damage and movement,
  • A general rule is that a straight line drawn downward and outward at a 45o angle from the end of bottom of any higher footing should not intersect any existing footing,
  • As a footing is wider than the building it supports; therefore, part of the footing may extend across the property line and may encroach on adjacent land.
  • Presence of groundwater near a footing is undesirable because:
  • Footing construction below GWT is difficult and expensive,
  • Groundwater around a footing can reduce the strength of soils,
  • It may also cause hydrostatic uplift,
  • Frost action may increase,
  • Waterproofing problems.
Underground Defects:
  • This includes faults, caves and mines,
  • Human-made discontinuities such as sewer lines, underground cables and utilities must be considered,
  • Structures should never be built on or near tectonic faults (plate movements) that may slip,
  • Survey upon the underground utility lines should be made before any excavation in order to avoid damages to utilities during excavation.
Type of Soils and Characteristics:
  • Soils (particulate earth material): Boulder (too large to be lifted by hands), cobble (particle that can be lifted by a single hand), gravel aggregates (course grained particle larger than 6.4mm), sand (frictional, size varies from 6.4 to 0.06mm), silts (frictional, low surface-area to volume ratio, size varies from 0.06 mm to 0.002mm) and clays (cohesive – fine grained – high surface-area to volume ratio, size smaller than 0.002 mm)
  • Rocks: Broken into regular and irregular sizes by joints
  • Peat: Soils not suitable for foundations of any structure
Problems due to Settlement can Arise when:
  • Soil property changes at different points under the same structure,
  • When construction of the building proceeds fast (mostly in modern times cases),
  • When an additional heavy load (e.g. a tower in old times – Pisa) is added to stabilize it,
  • Ground water is pumped out; Notorious instances examples like Venice and Mexico-city tragedy.
The Conclusions
The decision of choosing the foundation type is selected in consultation with the geotechnical engineer. The factors to be considered are the soil strength, the soil type, the variability of the soil over the area and with increasing depth, and the susceptibility of the soil and the building to deflection. I personally consider foundation as the most critical part of any structure that requires very careful structuring before the next stage could be done…

All the foundation walls are up...
anguilla homes foundation
One important decision for Anguilla homes near the seashore is how high to raise the foundation walls. They start at the footings, which are at rock level, but how high do you raise them? Several factors impact on this decision...
Required view is one factor, the higher you are the better the view.
Location is another factor. A home that is one hundred feet from the water's edge would require a higher elevation to humbly attempt offsetting some of Mother Nature's forces.
Topography and ambient soil conditions are also to be considered. You generally do not want to build on the lowest spot of your land. You must allow for proper drainage of water away from around your house, no matter how it gets there, whether it be heavy rains of a tropical storm or ocean surges of a hurricane.
Soil conditions should also be inspected to determine if water will readily drain away from your Anguilla home. A soil that reaches its saturation level quickly is a factor that needs serious consideration.
Having done that homework, we made a final decision to place our first floor slab 36 inches above the surrounding level of the land. This elevation will not appear when we do the final grading of the earth around and away from the house.
When erecting the foundation walls, we stop them just below where the slab will come to rest on them. In other words, if your main slab will sit 36 inches above ground elevation, you stop building the foundation walls at 36 inches minus the slab thickness. The final elevation is achieved with plywood forming and the thickness of the concrete slab itself.
A picture is worth one thousand words and I think that it really applies here so here is a shot that explains it...
Toby Inspecting Level
anguilla foundation level
Another factor that impacts the foundation wall height is whether there will be a basement. We prudently decided not to have a basement due to the fact that we are very close to the shoreline. The only basement area that we have under the house is a small 7x10 foot area that will house noisy mechanical equipment we may need to install.
The backfilling begins. We store all the earth and sand from our initial excavation around the house and on the lot behind (with permission from the owner). So we were able to backfill without trucking. Trucking the earth away for storage and then back again is expensive. (This is an issue to be budgeted for if all surrounding lots are all inhabited.)
The backfilling process is not as easy as it looks. There are a few things to keep in mind...
An excavator is a big piece of equipment. The newly erected walls can obstruct the operator's view. You want to avoid damage to the foundation walls, either through hitting it with this heavy equipment or by backfilling in a manner that exerts too much unnecessary lateral force on the foundation walls. So you should have a lookout man helping the operator maneuver around the site and helping with backfill placement.
Curtis Is The Lookout
anguilla backfill curtis lookoutanguilla backfill
Another consideration... if you have larger rocks/boulders in your backfill, make sure that they are not placed against and do not roll close to the walls. Damage through rolling boulders or point loads on the foundation wall should be avoided at all costs.
The operator of the excavator uses the back part of his shovel to compress the backfill as he places it. Wetting down and using a compactor on the backfill yields optimal results.
Calvin Watering The Backfill
Calvin watering backfill
Calvin Compacting, Toby Leveling With Shovel
compacting the backfill

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Northern Concrete had the honor of participating in the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition being filmed in Neenah Wisconsin. The project is scheduled to be aired on Sunday, October 17th. Our crew began work at 10 pm to meet the project timeline.  The pictures and captions explain the foundation and flatwork construction process.
Construction crew places stone around foundation footings.
Construction crew places stone around foundation footings.
Every building project begins with a foundation. Here you see the Form-A-Drain footing system ready for concrete.  We are placing stone to support the footings and set up the base for a concrete basement floor.
Placing aluminum forms for concrete walls.
This image shows us placing nine foot forms that will be filled with concrete for the basement walls.  These walls support the entire wooden structure of the house. Once the wall forms are in place, concrete is pumped from a Ready-Mix truck.  Our crew uses a conveyor to complete this process quickly and with uniform results. 
Concrete wall forms being filled with conveyor.
Concrete wall forms being filled with conveyor.
The forms are placed and secured, so crew members guide the conveyor hose to correctly place concrete provided by Carew and MCC Ready-Mix. The crew worked through the night to complete the foundation.
When the forms are removed, solid concrete walls are visible.
When the forms are removed, solid concrete walls are visible.
It was daylight when the right amount of time had passed and the crew begins removing the wall forms.  The wall ties that held the forms in place will be removed leaving smooth walls inside and out. 
Waterproofing materials applied to concrete walls.
Waterproofing materials applied to walls.
After the forms and wall ties are removed, waterproofing materials and foam are applied.  The black material shown is Dimple Board that offers waterproofing with a 30 year warranty. The concrete foundation is now complete.
Crew members use tools to place and finish flatwork.
Crew members use tools to place and finish flatwork.
Here the crew is pouring the basement slab.  The stone base was placed with the footings and a 6 ml vapor barrier goes over the stone.  Concrete is poured by conveyor but the crew uses a number of hand tools for correct placement.  In this photo, you can see a screed on the right, the long handle of a float on the left, and a hand rake in the center.
Several crew members work to place and finish concrete.
Several crew members work to place and finish concrete.
Concrete sets quickly so it takes several people working together to get fresh concrete in place and finished properly. The long tube is a component of the conveyor we use to pump concrete from the Ready-Mix truck to where its needed.  Our crew shows the hand work needed for quality placement.
Quality concrete takes many people working together.
Quality concrete takes many people working together.
Here our crew is pouring the garage slab.  They are being helped by Xzibit (pronounced as “exhibit”), who is an American RapperActor, and Television Host. He is best known for hosting MTV’s Pimp My Ride. Xzibit was on-site helping in any way he could.  Here he is directing the conveyor chute used to place the fresh concrete.
Finished concrete foundation ready for framing.
Finished concrete foundation ready for framing.
A side view of the finished foundation ready for framing.  Although most of the exterior foundation is backfilled with dirt, the interior surface is the basement walls seen in most homes in Northeast Wisconsin.  Northern Concrete completed the foundation on time and the project moved forward.